
books i have read (or started to read)

    Summary: This is what i have for lunch every single day: peanut butter on one slice of bread, milk, and an apple, preferably a Mclntosh because they're tangy with a thin skin, which Daddy says resembles me at times. "Don't you want to try something different, Ida B?" Daddy will say. Well, by lunchtime I'm wide awake and I've already been busy doing my chores and learning and having some fun. I've got a list of things that i cant wait to do in the afternoon, my head is filled to the rim with interesting ideas and plans, an thats exactly how i want it to stay. "There are too many things to think about in this world besides what I'm going to have for lunch, Daddy," I say,  and he looks at me like i am a true mystery.

    READ IDA B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Summary: Zoe Elias has dreams of becoming a pianist. Zoe's mom is obsessed with her work and her dad doesn't have a job, and doesn't like to interact with others. When her father brings home a Perfectone D60 Organ, Zoe is upset because she was hoping for a baby grand piano. She gets lessons from Miss Person. Miss Person realizes that Zoe has talent and decides that Zoe should enter the Perform-O-Rama. Zoe's mom misses her birthday and Zoe is VERY upset.. After things go wrong, and her mother can no longer drive her to the Perform-O-Rama on the following day, she thinks that she won't make it to Perform-O-Rama. She takes out her anger on her dad. He decides to take Zoe to the Perform-O-Rama, knowing she really wants to do it. Her first performance, at the Perform-O-Rama, doesn't go as well as she'd wanted. But during her second, she looks up in the audience and sees her mom, by her dad. Zoe realizes how good she is.  With Wheeler, a kid that follows her home, her workaholic mother, and her interaction disabled father, Zoe Elias has a family..in crooked kind of perfect way! She learns everything is perfect, but just in different ways. 

    READ A CROOKED KIND OF PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   Summary: fantasy-adventure novel based on Greek mythology, which charts the adventures of modern day twelve-year-old Percy Jackson as he discovers he is a demigod, the son of a mortal woman and the Greek god Poseidon. Percy and his friends go on a quest to prevent an apocalyptic war between the Greek gods Zeus,Poseidon and Hades.

hope you enjoy the books when you read them :)

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